Do the emotional barriers you construct keep you safe or restrict you?
Here are some helpful statements by Aatmn Parmar , that can reset your mindset:
Recite these statements 3-7 times each to feel the difference.
~ I transform and transcend my fear of being damaged.
~ I transform and transcend my fear of being offended and hurt.
~ I transform and transcend my fear of being troubled.
~ I transform and transcend my fear of getting hurt.
~ I transform and transcend my need for a safe space.
~ I transform and transcend my defensive walls and boundaries.
~ I transform and transcend my need for protection.
~ I awaken inner safety.
~ I awaken inner strength.
~ I awaken inner assurance.
~ I awaken an expansive attitude.
~ I awaken an all-encompassing and all-embracing attitude.
~ I awaken an ever-evolving and ever-expansive me.