Blog by Mamatha Honnavar
Be self-reliant
In today's interconnected world, becoming reliant on others is easy. However, being self-reliant is a valuable trait that empowers you to take charge of your life and live a fulfilling life. By developing self-reliance, you can learn to manage finances wisely. By cultivating resilience, you can become a self-sufficient and confident person.
When you rely on others to make decisions you give up your ability to choose for yourself. You might then complain when their decisions don't align with what you would have chosen.
Dependence can also leave you feeling powerless. It's natural for us to rely on each other, but if you're not self-reliant for various reasons, you might find yourself stuck in life.
Your dependency may also hold others back in their own lives.
The most common factor that affects self-reliance is the fear of being judged if the decisions backfire. The fear of making mistakes supersedes the trust in learning from the missed steps or taking ownership of the actions. Interestingly, what we resist persists. Even after allowing others to make decisions, one may still be blamed for being non-committal.
How about embracing self-reliance with higher guidance and doing all you are meant to do by being a channel? Trust that it is easy, effortless, simple, and fun. Like Redikall has embraced you and you have willingly said ‘Yes’ to Redikall, say ‘Yes’ to self-reliance.
Use the following Redikall Statements to start being Self-Reliant:
With Redikall Consciousness, I purify my dependency.
With Redikall Consciousness, I purify the mistrust of my ability.
With Redikall Consciousness, I transform & transcend my fear of my independence.
With Redikall Consciousness, I transform & transcend my worry of others’ judgments.
With Redikall Consciousness, I awaken my independence.
With Redikall Consciousness, I awaken my self-reliance.