Do you have habit of sharing?
With growing trend of nuclear and single-child family, we may not inculcate the habit of sharing. However, it is never too late. Your prosperity consciousness, inner security and love for people around you often ignites Generosity and desire to share your space, belonging, joy, and gifts. Let us awaken the generous spirit of sharing and caring today. I solve my reluctance to share.
I dissolve my reluctance to share
I resolve my reluctance to share
I co-solve my reluctance to share
I supersolve my reluctance to share.
I awaken my generosity
I awaken generous me.
I solve my lack consciousness
I dissolve my lack consciousness.
I resolve my lack consciousness
I co-solve my lack consciousness
I supersolve my lack consciousness.
I awaken prosperity consciousness.
I awaken prosperous me.
I solve my feeling of being exploited
I dissolve my feeling of being exploited.
I resolve my feeling of being exploited.
I co-solve my feeling of being exploited.
I supersolve my feeling of being exploited.
I awaken cooperation
I awaken the co-operative me,
I solve my feeling of being taken for granted
I dissolve my feeling of being taken for granted.
I resolve my feeling of being taken for granted.
I co-solve my feeling of being taken for granted.
I supersolve my feeling of being taken for granted.
I awaken dignified contribution.
I awaken the dignified contributor in me.
I solve my compulsion to share
I dissolve my compulsion to share
I resolve my compulsion to share.
I co-solve my compulsion to share.
I supersolve my compulsion to share.
I awaken my desire to share
I awaken the positive contributor