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Circle of Peaceful & Passionate Progress

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People are drawn to those who treat them with respect and kindness.Do you also crave a more positive and respectful environment, at work, at home, or anywhere you go? But feel like courtesy is a forgotten art? Many may feel so & yet may not know how to attract courtesy & politeness. 

As the entire universe is our mirror, by embodying courteous behavior yourself, you can inspire it in others. Politeness too is a two-way street. Hence the Golden Rule applies here as well! Be courteous and polite in your interactions, and invite others to be polite towards you. Leading by example always helps. At the same time, be courteous towards yourself by saying yes/no as & when you wish to say so. 

Active listening also shows respect and encourages open communication. Differences of opinion are inevitable in any setup. However, disagree with respect. The awareness that each one of have our perceptions, conditions we have borrowed, or simply adopted certain things will help us to agree to disagree politely. 

People are most rude to others because somewhere they haven’t experienced courteous behavior from others. They may also believe that if I am polite, I will be taken for granted, which prevents them from showing politeness, even though they are very much respectful & polite beings. 

There is no limit when it comes to the help from Redikall Insights as Redikall shall guide you how to attract polite behavior from all, including yourself. 

Recite these respectful & loving Redikall statements and open up to invite politeness in your life. 

With Redikall consciousness I purify my meanness to others

With Redikall consciousness I purify my roughness in dealing with people

With Redikall consciousness I purify the my need to control others

With Redikall consciousness I transform & transcend my need to be amiable

With Redikall consciousness I transform & transcend my reluctance to extend courtesy

With Redikall consciousness I transform & transcend my fear of being taken for granted

With Redikall consciousness I awaken my courtesy

With Redikall consciousness I awaken my politeness

With Redikall consciousness I awaken my genuinity


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