Blog by Mamatha Honnavar
Be Okay
Feeling "not OK" with yourself or your relationships can be challenging. Whether it stems from low self-esteem, interpersonal or intrapersonal conflicts, or general dissatisfaction, it can lead to anxiety and depression. Addressing these issues is crucial for personal growth and well-being.
Some individuals are born with low self-esteem which may be due to various factors such as being born into a family that had specific gender expectations (people wanting boy/girl) or being born into a socially stigmatized environment (the child of a sex worker, or an AIDS patient, or born in a slum area), or as a result of preprogramming for harming someone else's self-esteem or confidence, as the soul asks for a reversal of experience.
However, once we realize that “being okay” doesn’t depend on any social, financial, political, or relationship dynamics, we can raise our consciousness and be okay with ourselves and all around us.
We can start letting go of any guilt of harming others’ self-esteem with the Karma Clearance course and continue to feel and be okay with Redikall:
With Redikall Consciousness, I purify my low self-esteem.
With Redikall Consciousness, I purify my low self-worth.
With Redikall Consciousness, I transform & transcend my anxiety.
With Redikall Consciousness, I transform & transcend my need to be depressed.
With Redikall Consciousness, I awaken my confidence.
With Redikall Consciousness, I awaken my self-esteem.