Blog by Mamatha Honnavar
Unblock Money
Everyone loves the free flow of money into their lives. However, many may not realize that the more joyful you are, the more money you can attract. Does this mean you should spend money to buy joy? Not at all. That approach focuses on the means to achieve joy rather than being joyful.
You know that money can’t buy happiness, nor can it bring you unhappiness. Money is a sensitive yet neutral energy that responds to your need for experiences. For example, if you feel helpless, money can reflect that feeling and make you feel even more powerless. If you seek humility, money can bring you to your knees.
Working on your sacral chakra can help release overwhelming desires for enjoyment, and feelings of guilt and regret. Embrace every experience in your life, find joy in being with yourself, and connect with nature or others around you. Allow yourself to go with the flow of life, aligning and syncing with its natural rhythm. This mindset can attract financial abundance, enabling money to flow to you and through you to others. Let go of any fears under the nurturing guidance of Redikall Consciousness, and become a money magnet.
Recite these Redikall Statements, to join hands with money:
With Redikall Consciousness, I purify my displeasure.
With Redikall Consciousness, I purify the dullness.
With Redikall Consciousness, I transform & transcend my
With Redikall Consciousness, I transform & transcend my
need for constant worries.
With Redikall Consciousness, I awaken my inner joy.
With Redikall Consciousness, I awaken my sacral chakra.