Blog by Mamatha Honnavar
Celebrating Milestones
We all constantly strive to improve our performance or aim for the next big achievement after we reach our goals. However, celebrating your wins, no matter how small, is crucial for maintaining motivation, boosting self-esteem, and overall personal growth. By acknowledging and rewarding your achievements, you can recognize your hard work setting the stage for future successes.
Celebrating your achievements can positively impact your self-perception and confidence. Taking time to appreciate your progress can help alleviate stress and anxiety as you know you have the potential. Celebrating your wins can help you stay focused and maintain a positive mindset. By acknowledging your achievements, you're cultivating a growth mindset essential for continuous learning and improvement.
Celebrating your achievements can lead to many positive experiences, but several factors might prevent you from doing so. These could include:
1. A fear of appearing arrogant.
2. Guilt for not recognizing the accomplishments of others.
3. Inherited beliefs or assumptions that suggest success may lead to loss.
Through Redikall, you can overcome your fears and guilt, change borrowed beliefs, and humbly celebrate your achievements. Begin acknowledging your successes, motivate yourself, and break the old pattern of ignoring your accomplishments out of fear. Embrace faith and allow yourself to celebrate your gains.
Recite the following Redikall Statements & remain motivated through celebrations:
With Redikall Consciousness, I purify my fear.
With Redikall Consciousness, I purify the shyness.
With Redikall Consciousness, I transform & transcend my
need to fear the consequences of celebration.
With Redikall Consciousness, I transform & transcend my
worry of inviting others’ envy.
With Redikall Consciousness, I awaken celebrations.
With Redikall consciousness, I awaken the celebratory me.