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Transform and Transcend 9 shades of the Divine Feminine
Transform and Transcend 9 shades of the Divine Feminine

Transform and Transcend 9 shades of the Divine Feminine

A tribute to the 9 shades of the divine feminine.

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Time & Location

Oct 15, 2023, 6:00 PM – Oct 24, 2023, 6:20 PM


About the event

Event Fees: 

👉🏻 Standard Registration: Rs. 2000/-

👉🏻 Premium Members: Rs. 900/- 

Eligibility: Anyone can join

Click on 👇🏻 Read more  to know more about the event 

A tribute to the 9 shades of the divine feminine.

We are all extensions and projections of the divine feminine who has chosen to incarnate and re-experience some of the experiences through humans like us. When we Honor various experiences we honor the divine feminine in each human being and ultimately we honor the ultimate divine feminine. It is not by rejecting, neglecting or destroying the various shades, but by accepting, honoring, making peace and rediscovering the brilliance in every experience, we often find ourselves at peace with the divine feminine and the divine masculine in us and eventually the oneness in us and in each one of us. We will have a powerful guided group recitation to heal, transform and transcend various experiences of being a human form of the divine feminine and as we shift, we witness the shift in the world around us.

It would be a unique way of paying tribute to the world around us. Register now and participate for 9 evenings. In case you miss out, you may listen to the recording available during the month.

"Let us pay a tribute to 9 shades of the divine feminine"

👉🏻Day 1 Transform and Transcend the Shringar (Love and Beauty)

👉🏻Day 2 Transform and Transcend the the Hasya  (Joy and Laughter)

👉🏻Day 3 A tribute to Karuna (Sorrow and Compassion)

👉🏻Day 4 Transform and Transcend the Rudra (Rage in us)

👉🏻Day 5 Transform and Transcend the Courage

👉🏻Day 6 Transform and Transcend the fear

👉🏻Day 7 Transform and Transcend the  Bibhatsya (Shame)

👉🏻Day 8 Transform and Transcend the Surprise

👉🏻Day 9 Transform and Transcend the Shanta (The peace)



Q1: What is the "9 Shades of the Divine Feminine" tribute all about?

A1: The "9 Shades of the Divine Feminine" tribute is a spiritual and transformative journey that aims to honor and explore the various facets of the divine feminine energy within ourselves and in the world. It involves nine evenings of guided group recitations and meditations to heal, transform, and transcend our human experiences as manifestations of the divine feminine.

Q2: Who can participate in this tribute?

A2: Anyone who is interested in exploring and honoring the divine feminine within themselves and in others is welcome to participate. This tribute is open to people of all genders and backgrounds who seek spiritual growth and unity.

Q4: What happens if I miss one of the evenings?

A4: If you are unable to attend one of the evenings of the tribute, recordings of the sessions will be made available to registered participants for the entire month. This way, you can catch up on any sessions you may have missed at your convenience.

Q5: Are there any specific prerequisites or prior experience required to participate?

A5: No prior experience or specific prerequisites are required to participate. This tribute is designed to be accessible to individuals at all levels of spiritual and personal growth. It's a welcoming space for those who are both new to this exploration and those who have been on a spiritual journey for some time.

Q6: What can I expect from each evening of the tribute?

A6: Each evening of the tribute will involve guided group recitations, meditations, and discussions focused on one of the nine shades of the divine feminine. These sessions are designed to help you connect with and honor different aspects of the divine feminine within yourself and others.

Q7: Is this tribute affiliated with any specific religion or belief system?

A7: This tribute is intended to be inclusive and not tied to any specific religious or belief system. It is a spiritual exploration that can resonate with people from various backgrounds and spiritual paths.

Q8: How can I stay updated on the latest information about the tribute?

A8: To receive the latest updates, announcements, and reminders about the "9 Shades of the Divine Feminine" tribute, please ensure you are subscribed to our newsletter and follow our social media channels. You can know more about this by chatting with our respresentative on +917984510432 

If you have any further questions or need additional information, please feel free to reach out to our support team Shazia +919833402657 or Ms Deepa +91 87802 38453. We look forward to embarking on this transformative journey with you.

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