Reset Your Mindset to Synchronize with Focus.

How focused are you?
If you struggle with maintaining focus, consider incorporating daily meditation into your routine, in addition to yoga and breath work.
Here are some helpful Statements to help you conserve your energy and remain focused throughout the day:
Redikall Statements to synchronize with focus.
Recite them 3-7 times.
I transform and transcend the reasons for distraction. I transform and transcend the need for distraction. I transform and transcend the brilliance in the distraction. I transform and transcend the fear of missing out on something. I transform and transcend my boredom. | I transform and transcend my self-sabotage. I awaken my concentration. I awaken total focus. I synchronize with concentration. I synchronize with total focus. |
Let us know some of your favorite statements.
We look forward to reading your comments.
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