Think your way to a better life with Chakra Insights
Do you get the support you want?
We all desire to have unconditional support and care.
However, not always can we get the support we expect from others. The universe has created incredible support systems for most living beings. We often fail to recognize them and feel unsupported because of unfulfilled expectations from those around us.
Why do you feel unsupported?
Sometimes, you support others hoping they will reciprocate one day. But this can leave you frustrated and disappointed because people tend to treat you the way you treat yourself.
How can you learn to depend on yourself?
Start supporting yourself before expecting others to do so, and feel the difference in people's attitudes toward you!
Here are some more Redikall Statements to help you change your mindset.
Recite 3-7 times:
I transform and transcend my helplessness. I transform and transcend my powerlessness. I transform and transcend my loneliness. I transform and transcend my isolation. I transform and transcend my feeling of being uncared for. I transform and transcend my bitterness. | I transform and transcend my rigid beliefs. I transform and transcend my ego, pride, and righteousness. I awaken self-help. I awaken self-empowerment. I awaken self-companionship. I awaken self-care. I synchronize with the support system. I synchronize with humble acceptance of the support. |
Did the statements make a difference?
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Self-reliance fosters independence and resilience, empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with confidence and internal strength. It reduces dependency on external validation, fostering a sense of personal agency.
Free Events
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Time : 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm IST
with Ms. Deepa Purushottam
How to regain self-respect in 5 easy steps
Are you feeling stressed? Anxious? Worried? Stuck? Whatever your negative emotional charge, you can instantly transform your state of mind in minutes.
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Awakening Prosperity Consciousness with Multi-Chakra Recitation
Ms. Uma Sangal
Time: 7:30 am to 8:00 am IST
Morning, Daily, Except Sat & Sun and Public Holidays.
Special Learning Session
Group Recitation in English
Zoom meet for Premium Members:
Guidance for Self- healing and personal growth.
6:00 am to 7:30 am IST
10:30 am to 12:00 Noon
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm IST